Monday, February 16, 2009

I ♥ Faces~ wonder

I knew weeks ago that this picture would be perfect for the "wonder" theme.  They sat watching the disney princess for a straight 8 minutes~ which in 3 year old time is FOREVER :)


  1. Too cute! Look at them just staring in amazement.

  2. 8 minutes. That is incredible : ). They are beautiful and you are so right, totally wonder filled moment!

  3. I wonder what is on their minds :) Great photo!

  4. My daughter went through the same "princess" phase. Completely captivated by anything princess related. Love the pic!

  5. That's perfect! *slaps forehead* I just remembered I have a shot of my little Beast with a light-up snowglobe from this past Christmas which would've been perfect for this theme! Oh well, yours is twice as cute anyway because you've got twice the cuties!
