next to the beach one of Olivia's favorite things was this multi-height outdoor showers (with warm water) Just like Christmas you buy an expensive gift and they play with the box~ you take them to the beach and they love the shower!!! :)
What a wonderful holiday to the Oregon coast we had. 4 of the days were 30+ degrees!! :) Shopping, beaching, golfing, kite flying and boogie boarding in the ocean kept us busy. Our only downside is we found out that Dawson will not sleep in the vehicle under any circumstances!! which made for our 8 hour driving days very long.
I have a lot of photo's to go through, but here a few of my favorites
I've been so busy these last 2 weeks taking a business class and working on my business plan. I've had to put my camera away just so I can focus, this certainly warranted me going to grab it!! Olivia was thrilled that Dawson actually ate his "mud birthday cake" she made for him :)